Coming on October 21!

Charlie and Sophie’s Great Escape

For Charlie and Sophie, every walk is an adventure — and they’re impatient to be off! Leaving their boy behind, they run into the woods to explore on their own. It’s great fun until Charlie disturbs a nest full of eggs and comes face to face with a large, angry bird.

Will the big bird attack them? Will Charlie and Sophie find their way home? Join the two puppies in their wild adventure to find out what happens next!

Visit the Books page to learn more about this exciting adventure story and how to get a copy as soon as the book is published!

Welcome To My Website

Hi! My name is Farial English, and I am a new author with an exciting new book to introduce to your children and students.

I am eager to read my book aloud and make presentations at school events, library programs, community activities, and wherever there is an opportunity to bring this story to life.

Visit the About page to learn more about me and how to schedule an author visit for your organization!

Follow My Author’s Journey

As a first-time author, I am learning a great deal about the publishing process and the activities required to bring my vision to reality. I am capturing many of these discoveries in blog posts that other new authors may find helpful.

I continue to research different illustration styles and various social media strategies to generate interest in and awareness of my book.

Visit the Blog page to learn more about my author’s journey and my discoveries along the way!

Engaging Young Readers

When I read my book or make a presentation to children, I bring interactive materials to engage my young listeners. Some of these materials are taken home and enjoyed after the presentation is over.

A selection of these materials is available on this website for parents and educators to share with their children and students.

Visit the Activities page to find these materials and download or print them at your convenience!